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Technology developed: UREA MOLASSES LIQUID DIET (UMLD) (TP19767106291)
Category: Technology Service/Know how
Details of Inventor(s):
Inventor Institution/Organization/Company Department Designation
U.R. Mehra ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar Animal Nutrition Division Principal Scientist
R. S. Das ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar Animal Nutrition Division Sr. Scientist
A.K. Verma ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar Animal Nutrition Division Principal Scientist
Harendra Kumar ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar Animal Reproduction Division Sr. Scientist
Technical Application Area: Agricultural
If 'Other', please specify:
Animal Nutrition
Please give more details of new technical application area:
Cane molasses is a cheap source of energy rich in sulphur though grossly deficient in nitrogen has been used in the diets of ruminants for different purposes. A combination of urea and protected protein gives a better response than NPN as N source alone and the levels of protein meal have been varied from 2 to 13 percent of molasses. Experiments have been conducted on supplementation of intact protein to urea molasses liquid diet UMLD in the form of fish meal or cotton seed meal in growing ruminants and found very effective with regard to performance of animals. UMLD comprised percentage of cane molasses 84, urea 3, fish meal 10, mineral mixture 2 and salt 1. This technology is simple, easily adoptable and convenient for the easy transportation in cane molasses tankers to draught and flood affected areas and can also be stored for reasonably long period. During draught or flood periods, UMLD can be fed to ruminants as a scarcity feeds for 120 to 150 days along with small amount of green fodder and crop residues. Moreover, UMLD can also be fed to replace conventional concentrate mixture from 15 to 20 percent under normal feeding regime in ruminant diets.
ICAR Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) Izatnagar Bareilly
Affiliated Ministry: Institution Funding (Self Supported)
Type of technology development: Indigenous
Does the technology help in replacing any import items currently
procured from outside India?
Does the technology have export potential? Yes
Category of Technology developed: Immediate Deployment
Stage of Development: Field Test
Please describe in detail including the TRL Level:
Technology assigned to Agrinnovate India Ltd., New Delhi for technology transfer or commercialization.


Applications: The crop residues are principal diet in ruminants especially in tropical countries and they are deficient in nitrogen, minerals and vitamins. In order to mitigate the deficiency of these nutrients in crop residues to greater extent to fetch the improvements in the production performance of ruminants i.e. cattle and buffaloes, a complex of cane molasses, urea, minerals and vitamins in liquid form UMLD have been developed. This technology can be used to balance the crop residues based diet under normal vis a vis drought and flood affected areas to get the appropriate production performance under scarcity conditions.
Advantages: This technology is simple, easily adoptable and convenient for the easy transportation in cane molasses tankers to draught and flood affected areas and can also be stored for reasonably long period. During draught or flood periods, UMLD can be fed to ruminants as a scarcity feeds for 120 to 150 days along with small amount of green fodder and crop residues. Moreover, UMLD can also be fed to replace conventional concentrate mixture from 15 to 20 percent under normal feeding regime in ruminant diets 24000

    Technology Inputs:

Imported Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Equipment/Spare Parts:
Equipment/Spare Parts Year ITC-HS Code
Imported Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Indigenous Raw Materials:
Raw Materials Year ITC-HS Code
Existing R&D Facilities used:
Facilities Year ITC-HS Code

   Patents & Publications:

Filed Patents (No.) Granted Patents (No.) Year
0 0 NA
Submitted (No.) Published (No.) Year
3 3 NA

    Commercialization Potential:

Who are the Potential Licensees? NGOs Dairy Farms Dairy Cooperatives Enterpreneures PVT Company Sugar Factories
What commercially available products address
the same problem?
Company Product Problem Addressed
Would you like to develop this invention further with
corporate research support?
Would you be interested in participating in cluster based
programs for commercialization research or business
planning for your invention?
      Submitted by: The Director Date of Submission: 19-8-2020

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