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Important Announcement: I-STEM Server maintenance. The I-STEM portal will be temporarily offline for scheduled maintenance from 12:01AM, Feb 8 (Saturday) to 7:00 AM, Feb 10 (Monday). For any inquiries or assistance, please contact support@istem.co.in. We appreciate your patience as we work to enhance our platform!
I-STEM Portal Demonstration 3:30 PM (IST) on 3rd October 2023 on Institution Registration and Equipment Upload with Mr. Narmdeshwar Pandey, Senior Facility Technologist, I-STEM Team
I-STEM Portal will not be available between 8pm to 8.30pm on 7th June 2023 for maintenance. No activity on portal is recommended during the period. Inconvenience caused is regretted.
I-STEM Tech Management Conclave (ITMC): 2023 @ IISc Bangalore
5-Day Hands-on Tutorial Session on “Modeling Optical Physics using COMSOL Multiphysics®” 28th November, 2022 to 2nd December, 2022..check I-STEM video of recording
30 days Hands-on Training on sophisticated R&D Resource Tools is going on at NIT Warangal, from 30th Nov-30th Dec 2022.
Talk to Experts on Infrared Spectroscopy: an useful tool for food science on 10th Nov 2022, more details visit event
I-STEM wishes every citizen of India "Happy Vijaya Dashami"!
Due to technical maintenance portal may not be working on 9th and 10th July 2022 between 10am to 5pm. Inconvenience caused is regretted. - I-STEM Technical Team
Talk to Experts on 21st April @3:30 PM on TEM by Dr. Bharati Patro, SAIF IIT Bombay. Please join. for registration visit forthcoming event under Event tab ( homepage)
Special session with IDEA Lab (AICTE institution) Topic: Technical Guidance by I-STEM Team join us @ https://istem.webex.com/istem/j.php?MTID=mb1c1fb6d4e35dd8975596fbe196f3c65
Launch of the I-STEM: MathWorks (MATLAB) Platform for the students/researchers of India, March 28, 2022 at 11 Hrs (IST), fill google form to apply https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdY10HrYac4fRs8RLsCFk92pucXHmHfRoitQtTJddkwZOiBww/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Talk to Experts on X-Ray Diffraction: Basics and Applications, 24th March on Thursday, 15:30 -16:30 Hrs. (IST). Please join. for registration visit forthcoming event under Event tab ( homepage) Speaker: Dr. Kummara Sreenivas’s [Ph.D., Toyota Technological Institute, Japan]
Demonstration of User Registration, Mark yourself as an Expert & facility/equipment booking process on I-STEM Portal on 29th Mar 2022, Tuesday , 15:30 -16:30 Hrs. (IST). Register here for event: https://www.istem.gov.in/event/forthcoming-events
Demonstration of Debit head creation & equipment reservation response by supervisor on I-STEM Portal on 22th Mar 2022, Tuesday , 15:30 -16:30 Hrs. (IST). Please join. WebEx link: https://istem.webex.com/istem/j.php?MTID=mb1c1fb6d4e35dd8975596fbe196f3c65
Demonstration of Institution custodian against Facility Booking Request & user query response. On I-STEM Portal on 15th Mar 2022, Tuesday , 15:30 -16:30 Hrs. (IST). Please join. WebEx link: https://istem.webex.com/istem/j.php?MTID=mb1c1fb6d4e35dd8975596fbe196f3c65
Talk to Experts on HRLCMS (Q-time of Flight & Orbitrap) by Dr. Mayuri Gandhi on 10th March, Thursday, 15:30 -16:30 Hrs. (IST). Register here for event: https://www.istem.gov.in/event/forthcoming-events
Demonstration of Equipment upload and Equipment profile update on I-STEM Portal on 8th Mar 2022, Tuesday , 15:30 -16:30 Hrs. (IST). Please join. WebEx link: https://istem.webex.com/istem/j.php?MTID=mb1c1fb6d4e35dd8975596fbe196f3c65
Launch of Internship Program on Jan 03 @3:30PM ( Register Now). Visit forthcoming event
A workshop on I-STEM ,22nd Dec 2021 planned by Bhuvneshwar City Knowledge and Innovation Cluster KIIT - Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology. for more details visit Event section
I-STEM portal features demonstration for SMVIT Bengaluru on October 29th, 2021 from 02:30 pm onward.
DRIIV (Delhi S&T Cluster) invites you to the National Workshop on Solid Waste Management on 30th and 31st July, with PSA Raghvan as the Keynote. https://forms.gle/qDARUAYG1QYiHb8R7
I-STEM team has introduced COMSOL-Multiphysics platform for the academic researchers at no cost for usage. Register at the portal and utilize this opportunity.
Two days Seminar on "Awareness of I-STEM Portal for Use of R&D Resources" at Bharathiar University Coimbatore (BUC) is scheduled on 29-30 Mar 2021.
Portal will be down for maintenance from 7.30PM to 9PM on 31st August 2020.
As a part of the mission of the Empowered Technology Group, a digital catalogue is being made to maintain an updated map of technology and technology products available, and being developed, across India.
The I-STEM portal is launched by the Prime Minister of India on 3rd Jan 2020 during 107th Indian Science Congress
The new URL: https://www.istem.gov.in/
APEER Image Processing Coding Contest: www.zeiss.co.in/apeer-contest2 APEER Image Processing Coding Contest is back on popular demand. Win 2.5 lakhs by coding to automate image processing tasks in research. Your code can speed up research for almost every disease and in the advancement of science. The contest is about developing a workflow solution that automates image processing tasks such as object detection, image segmentation, extraction, classification, etc.
Institution bank accounts of CDRI Lucknow, NIIST Thiruvananthapuram, NEIST Jorhat, IIT Kharagpur , IIT Roorkee, IIT Gandhinagar, VNIT Nagpur, NPL New Delhi, Relisys Medical Devices Limited, IIT Madras, CIMAP Lucknow, CFTRI Mysuru, NML Jamshedpur, IISc Bengaluru, M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Bengaluru, St. Thomas College (Autonomous) Thrissur, IISER Bhopal, NGRI Hyderabad, IIP Dehradun, CCMB Hyderabad, CEERI Pilani, CECRI Karaikudi and CBRI Roorkee are configured successfully with I-STEM. Now user(s)/researcher(s) may make online payment through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI for equipment booking.
Program Schedule: 21st Feb 2019 9.00-10:30 am Inauguration of workshop Welcome to the Chief Guest Institutional Challenges in Creating and maintaining Sophisticated Facilities Prof. Jayant Modak, Dy. Director, F&A, IISc, Technology Business Incubation Program and shared facilities Prof. Rudra Pratap, Dy. Director (P&I), IISc IoE initiative and shared facilities Prof. Vikram Jayaram, IISc Interdisciplinary research, the need for collaboration and sharing Prof G Rangarajan, IISc Enabling administrative support Sri V Rajarajan, Registrar, IISc About CeNSE Prof. Navakanta Bhat, Chairman, CeNSE, IISc Brief intro about I-STEM philosophy Prof. S A Shivashankar, IISc Remarks by the Chief Guest, Sri J B Mohapatra (IRS), Adviser, Office of the PSA, 10.30-11.00 am Tea Break 11.00-11.30 am INUP Impact: Facility sharing example Prof. Akshay Naik, IISc 11:30-12:00 noon AFMM Multiuser shared facility Prof. Satyam Suwas, IISc 12.00-1.00 pm Details of I-STEM portal and Benefit of Networking of facilities through I-STEM Dr Sanjeev Shrivastava/ Prof S A Shivashankar, IISc 1.00-2.00 pm Lunch Break 2.00-3.00 pm NMR facility : Capabilities and Usage Protocol Prof. Suryaprakash, IISc 3:00-3:30 pm Tea Break 3.30-5.30 pm How to register and use web portal as a custodian & Practice Session Dr Sanjeev Shrivastava, I-STEM, IISc 22nd Feb 2019 9.00-10.30 am Facility Management and Usage Charges Dr. Suresha S J and Dr. Savitha P, CeNSE IISc 10.30-11.30 am Tea Break and Facility Tours NNFC & MNCF 11.30-1.00 pm Suggestions / Inputs from representatives from participating Institutions 1.00-2.00 pm Lunch Break 2.00-3.00 pm Summary, Wrap up, Action plan 3:00 pm Tea and adjourn
Equipped for a collaborative future: Nature India India has set up a new platform to link researchers with the trove of scientific equipment housed in institutions across the country, an ambitious move whose success hinges upon how quickly and openly scientists and lab owners warm up to the idea of sharing. https://www.natureasia.com/en/nindia/article/10.1038/nindia.2019.105?WT.mc_id=FBK_NPG
Steps to be followed to register Institution and upload Equipment details (Directly to portal) 1.Institution registration (as per guidelines) 2.Wait for approval from Nodal Centre 3.Once approved, a login and password will be sent by istem.iisc@gmail.com 4.Login using ID and Password 5.Download template for preparing the list of equipment in specified format 6.Upload it after login and wait for approval, once it will be approved you may find the equipment through search option. Or Please download excel sheet format to prepare a list of equipment and send to Nodal centre at sanjeevs@iisc.ac.in
Introductory Training Course in Nanofabrication Technologies: 10-28 Sept 2018 for the participation from the Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam only http://www.cense.iisc.ac.in/content/introductory-training-course
National Portal is now updated with creation of login for Funding Agency, Institute Representative (s), Department and its admin, Faculty In-charge of facility (ies), Facility Coordinator, Facility (ies) and Operator/ Technologist (s). All the institutions are requested to add the equipment department wise as per the guidelines given on same page.
The Indian Science, Technology, and Engineering facilities Map (I-STEM) is an interactive web portal designed to accelerate scientific progress in India. This initiative, conceived and supported by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, creates a centralized platform for sharing publicly funded R&D equipment and facilities across various institutions throughout the country.
Copyright © 2025 I-STEM. All rights reserved Hosted at the National Informatics Centre, Delhi, India Audited by: STQC Bengaluru